A School Beyond the Classroom: Visit ThePEMS Academy — Open House, March 15

ThePEMS Academy - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual amelioration for children will be having their Open House on March 15th, 10-2 & the community is invited! ThePEMS is a nonprofit supplement to school that has an innovative mission supporting children 8 – 14 years old in finding their way towards a healthy, passionate, able-life through self discovery, independence, critical thinking, stillness, and advancement in art, music, movement, and science.
Founded by entrepreneur Kelly Doyle, her passion for a new way to teach children came to life the end of 2024. She put together a team including teachers, a family therapist, musicians, gardener, functional fitness coach, yoga, meditation, Qigong teachers and artists to make-up an afternoon (homeschooled children), after school, and summer program.
In-house tutoring will be available for math and English and the outside garden gives space for children to be active or swing under the oak tree. There are no electronics allowed except in the tutoring room and the space offers a ‘quiet room’ with a library for reading or to work on quieting the mind. The Entrepreneurship & Innovation classes are created to coach & inspire the children to be entrepreneurial by developing a product and taking it to market.
For more information: call 954-629-3751, email [email protected] or visit: ThePEMSAcademy.com