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Natural Awakenings, Broward County, Florida

Spiritual Intelligence: Our Internal Compass

"The journey of self-discovery begins with listening to the whispers of your soul." - Malabika Shaw

Are you enduring a continual undercurrent of conflict, stress, and unease? Or do you recognize obstacles as doorways to new adventures in life? Do you often crave more breathing space and freedom? These are not merely challenges – they are symptoms of your 'Spiritual Intelligence,' the voice of your Soul, nudging you towards a life of greater fulfillment and ease.

Our birth is not just a result of random cosmic events. We are, in fact, a valuable part of a greater divine design unfolding through cosmic intelligence. All spiritual lineages, and now cutting-edge science, agree that the source of creation is an all-pervasive supremely intelligent presence, known by many different names.

We are each born imbued with a spark of this Intelligence – our own personalized slice of Spiritual Intelligence. It is built into our DNA, as science is now discovering. This intelligence holds the map of our life's journey – a path to our spiritual purpose, our higher calling. Just as when we plant a mango seed, we can be reasonably certain that given the right environment, it will grow to become a tree that bears mangoes – not cherries or chestnuts. And so it is with us.

We come instilled with the genius that shows us our life's path. We just have to become aware and listen to the voice of our Soul. This voice is soft and can easily drown in the external cacophony. Yet when we take time to pause and consider our innermost desires in silence, we can feel it. It animates us. It inspires us, excites and uplifts us. It beckons us towards new adventures.

Until we align with the prompts of our Spiritual Intelligence, we will continually search for deeper meaning in life. If our destiny is so designed, you may wonder why people struggle under the demands, disappointments, and stresses of life. What stops us from attaining this life of fulfillment?

All creation is born in a field of infinite possibilities triggered by a simple desire from the heart. Our inner child, the seat of our Spiritual Intelligence is well-tuned to this. Yet we are bounded by our fears of the unknown. Our safety net comes from conditioning, traditions, customs, ancestry, and history. These can dull the excitement of our initial heartfelt desire. Somewhere between the intensity of our desire and our fear of survival lies the true balance of comfort to move forward.

Ready to discover your Spiritual Intelligence? Contact Malabika Shaw at Vision Wholistic for a free 20-30 minute consultation. Begin your journey toward greater clarity and purpose today.

Visit Phone: 515-720-9520 Email: [email protected]

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