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Natural Awakenings, Broward County, Florida

Invite a Manager

Our online system allows easy modification of your Business Listing. Listing Owners can login using their email as the username to manage and enhance their listing.

Quick Tip: If you see a person icon in the menu at the bottom of, you're already signed in.

image bottom menu selecting manage


Steps to Add a Manager:

  1. From the bottom Menu Bar, select: Manage > Business Listings
  2. On the left side of your "Business Listing," click the blue link "Listing Managers"
  3. Enter the name and email address of the new manager
  4. Click "INVITE"

The invited manager will receive an email with access instructions.

Manager Capabilities

  • Update basic business information
  • Modify listing details
  • Manage events and offers

Best Practices

Why Add a Manager?

  • Efficiently maintain your online presence
  • Ensure timely updates to your listing
  • Delegate tasks while maintaining control

Remember, keeping your listing current is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. By adding a manager, you can ensure your Natural Awakenings presence stays up-to-date with minimal effort on your part.

For more ways to optimize your listing, explore our additional Professional Tips on event promotion, social media integration, and more.

[Upgrade Your Listing to Premium]  [View More Tips]

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