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Natural Awakenings, Broward County, Florida

Optimize Your Premium Listing: Image Guidelines and Upload Instructions

Associated with your Premium Listing: Key Image Requirements
  1. Square Logo Image
    • Size: 175 x 175 pixels
    • Resolution: 72 or 144 ppi
    • Format: RGB
  2.  Wide Banner ("Hero") Image (blue/gray section as above)
    • Size: 1110 x 300 pixels
    • Resolution: 72 or 144 ppi
    • Note: Central third visible on mobile devices

Uploading Images

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Navigate to: Manage > Business Listing > Manage
  3. For logo: Click "+Logo Image"
  4. For banner: Click "+Hero Image"
  5. Select "Browse Files" and choose your image
  6. Click the checkmark next to your image, then select blue "Place Image" button
  7. To update your listing click "Save"

Photo Gallery

  1. Go to "GALLERY & VIDEO" in the left sidebar
  2. Click "+ Select & Reorder Images"
  3. Upload and select images as above
  4. To update click "SAVE"

Design Tips

  • Consider adding a border to your square logo for contrast
  • Ensure banner image complements your business theme
  • Be mindful of text placement on the banner image

Additional Image Sizes

  • Gallery Images: 1000 x 600px
  • Calendar Events: 1110 x 500px
  • Featured Event Snippet: 600 x 400px
  • Non-Featured Event Snippet: 300 x 200px
  • Offers: 400 x 225px

Remember, optimizing your images can significantly enhance your listing's appeal and effectiveness. For more tips on maximizing your Natural Awakenings presence, explore our Professional Tip Series and subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

Natural Awakenings Videos